San Jose Evergreen Community College District
Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
2020-2021 Annual Report
Measures X and G-2010 Featured Projects
As of June 30, 2021

SJCC: Career Education Complex

Funded by Measure G-2010 and Measure X, Budget: $188,482,987

Project Description: New construction of a Career Education facility, renovation of Building 200, and associated site work required to join the two facilities as one complex. The complex will house classrooms, labs, instructional support spaces, offices, and shared spaces to support student life.

SJCC: Student Services Resource and Drop-in Center

Funded by Measure X, Budget: $1,556,432

Project Description: Renovation to existing office spaces on the second floor of the Student Services building to provide a welcoming, student-owned area for students accessing student services. The Student Services Resource and Drop-in Center will include a diverse range of furniture pieces as well as technology.

SJCC: New Maintenance and Operations Building and Emergency Operations Center

Funded by Measure G-2010 and Measure X, Budget: $22,204,311

Project Description: This project includes the construction of a new building to house Maintenance and Operations and the Emergency Operations Center, and includes site improvements, underground utilities, and parking.

EVC: Language Arts Building

Funded by Measures X, Budget: $45,047,927

Project Description: This project will encompass building a multi-story classroom and office building. There will be associated site work necessary to deliver the project. The building will run on the same north-south axis as the existing Auto Technology building. This new orientation will allow for a better pedestrian connection from the central green to the student parking lots to the north of campus. This project will also encompass the pathway running from the Student Services Center to the Library. The pathway will include ADA upgrades. Connecting the Language Arts building to the central green is essential. A promenade will be considered with this project.

EVC: Cedro Renovation and West Campus ADA Upgrades

Funded by Measure X, Budget: $10,317,762

Project Description: This project will update the existing interior finishes of Cedro offices, classrooms, lobby spaces, and exterior renovations. The entry stairs from the west side of the library as well as the granite wall will be removed to install a gradual walking path that is ADA accessible. The intent is to make the campus entrance more inviting and welcoming on this side of campus. On the east side of the library, this project will remodel the entry plaza outside the library and install a new water fountain that invites students to sit and study.

EVC: Campus Way Finding / Ground Lighting

Funded by Measure X, Budget: $3,338,094

Project Description: The intent of this project is to provide mural graphics, building names in super graphics, electrified freestanding monument signs as primary building identification, and electric wall mounted tag signs for secondary building identification.

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