San Jose Evergreen Community College District
Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
2021-2022 Annual Report
Measures X and G-2010 Featured Projects
As of June 30, 2022

SJCC: Career Education Complex

Funded by Measure G-2010 and Measure X, Budget: $189,111,072

Project Description: New construction of a Career Education facility, renovation of Building 200, and associated site work required to join the two facilities as one complex. The complex will house classrooms, labs, instructional support spaces, offices, and shared spaces to support student life.

SJCC: Stadium Renovation

Funded by Measure X, Budget: $8,832,173

Project Description: Renovation of the existing track and football field. The track was widened, and the turf was expanded to allow for an NCAA regulation soccer field to be included. New goal posts and logos were installed, and restrooms were upgraded to be ADA-compliant.

SJCC: New Maintenance and Operations Building and Emergency Operations Center

Funded by Measure G-2010 and Measure X, Budget: $22,423,232

Project Description: This project includes the construction of a new building to house Maintenance and Operations and the Emergency Operations Center, and includes site improvements, underground utilities, and parking.

EVC: Language Arts Building

Funded by Measure X, Budget: $49,264,774

Project Description: This project will encompass building a multi-story classroom and office building. There will be associated site work necessary to deliver the project. The building will run on the same north-south axis as the existing Auto Technology building. This new orientation will allow for a better pedestrian connection from the central green to the student parking lots to the north of campus. This project will also encompass the pathway running from the Student Services Center to the Library. The pathway will include ADA upgrades. Connecting the Language Arts building to the central green is essential. A promenade will be considered with this project.

EVC: General Education Building

Funded by Measure X, Budget: $53,435,264

Project Description: This Design-Build project will provide a new three-story General Education building near the MS3 building adding approximately 20 new classrooms. Located between the Lake and MS3, the site is a hill and requires modification to construct this building. The area around the building will require sitework to refresh the existing pathway between the Central Plant and new General Education building to ensure ADA access while providing an area for social gathering. Construction is projected for completion in December 2023.

EVC: Student Services Center

Funded by Measure X, Budget: $100,986,765

Project Description: The Student Services Center is a multi-part project comprised of a new entry road, parking lot, administration building, and pedestrian plaza. Highly visible from the new grand entrance to campus, this building will be a centralized location for all essential student services and needs. As a gateway building, it will define Evergreen Valley College's campus image and provide a destination that is welcoming and inclusive.

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