Funded by Measure G-2010
Project Description: This project was completed in Summer 2016, with new furniture and technology installed in time for the 2016 fall term. The Mathematics, Science and Social Science (MS3) building is 65,000 square feet and includes 7 science laboratories, 14 classrooms (including three tiered classrooms), and offices for the Math, Science and Social Science faculty. The Fitness Center is a 8,000 square foot physical health center designed to inspire a healthy life-style by encouraging fitness participation, student interaction, and will promote sustainability.
Funded by Measure G-2010
Project Description:
This project started in mid-September, and includes replacing the walkway between the East Circle and Parking Lot 4A. Existing parking spaces will be rebuilt to be ADA compliant, and will provide the infrastructure for future electric car charging stations. The project also includes new irrigation, planting, and sprucing up the north side entry from the parking lot. This project is expected to complete in Spring 2017.
Funded by Measure G-2004 & G-2010
Project Description: The PE Building Project consists of Project 31125 - New Gym Sitework & Re-Purpose Racquetball Building (G-2010), and Project 122 - Physical Education Gymnasium (G-2004). This project includes a new gymnasium, fitness center, team rooms and offices. Located adjacent to the track, football field and softball field, it will help consolidate the athletics facilities and will replace the auxiliary gym. The existing racquetball courts will be renovated into a Wellness Center for the department. The PE Building Project is scheduled to be complete by Fall 2017.
Funded by Measure G-2010
Project Description: The Building Interior Finishes project completed in fall 2016. It included the installation and upgrading of carpeting and vinyl flooring in the Technology, and Student Center buildings at San José City College.
Funded by Measure G-2004
Project Description: San José • Evergreen Community College District has developed a campus extension in partnership with Milpitas Unified School District, for the purpose of better serving the needs of the residents in Milpitas and surrounding areas. The facility is located adjacent to Thomas Russell Middle School in Milpitas and will provide a blend of secondary and post-secondary education to allow high school students access to college level courses while completing their high school curriculum. Work Force Development courses will also be offered to the larger community.