"To better prepare San Jose City College / Evergreen Valley College students for good paying jobs and transfer to four-year colleges, shall San Jose Evergreen Community College District:
• Upgrade, acquire, construct energy-efficient, technology driven teaching classrooms, labs, sites, facilities/equipment for health/science, general education/job-training,
• Upgrade outdated electrical, plumbing, heating/ventilation systems,
by issuing $268 million in bonds at legal rates, qualifying for matching funds with citizen oversight, no money for administrator salaries, all funds staying local?"
Measure G-2010 passed with a 58.81% approval by the voters of greater San Jose and Milpitas. A Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee has been selected and approved by the Board of Trustees. This Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee will provide oversight on both Measure G-2004 and Measure G-2010.