2022-2023 Annual Report

Measures X and G-2010
2022-2023 Annual Report

Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

Letter from the Committee Chair

To: The Board of Trustees and Residents of the San José • Evergreen Community College District

The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is pleased to present its 2022-2023 Annual Report on the District's two general obligation bond programs. In November of 2010, the voters demonstrated their confidence in the District and passed Measure G-2010, a $268M general obligation bond initiative. In November 2016, the voters again supported the District by passing Measure X, a $748M general obligation bond initiative. These bond measures, established under Proposition 39, have the common goal of improving and equipping the teaching environments to better serve our students' needs. The Committee and the District wish to thank the community for their continued support of our students.

The principal duties of the Committee include informing the public about the expenditure of Measure X and G-2010 bond proceeds; ensuring that the District spends bond money only for the purposes set forth in both measures; and producing an annual report of the Committee’s proceedings and activities, including a compliance statement. In contrast, the Board of Trustees’ responsibilities include but are not limited to overseeing the bond program, maintaining the list of authorized bond projects, prioritizing projects, and monitoring progress and spending on individual projects, and overseeing the annual performance and financial audits.

The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee aims to meet quarterly during the fiscal year to review Measure X and G-2010 activities. At these meetings, District and program management staff provide the Committee with written and oral reports and presentations, including:

  • Measures X and G-2010 Bond Program and Project Updates
  • Measures X and G-2010 Quarterly Summary Reports
  • Measures X and G-2010 Bond List Revision Reports
  • Staff Reports and District Updates

In addition to its meetings with staff to review Measures X and G-2010 spending, the Committee relied on the annual independent performance and financial audits conducted by CWDL, LLP and an oral presentation by the auditor to carry out its duties.

In conclusion, the Committee wishes to report that, to the best of its knowledge, Measure X and G-2010 bond proceeds have only been spent for the purposes set forth in the ballot language as approved by the voters, and is in full compliance with the responsibilities as described in Article XIIIA, Section 1 (b) (3) of the California State Constitution. The performance and financial audits can be viewed here.

Very truly yours,

Anna Liza Navarro
Committee Chair

Committee Members

Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee members are appointed by the Board of Trustees. The following members were active during the 2022-2023 fiscal year:

  • Carlos Corona (resigned 11/29/23)
    Student Representative
  • Leo Cortez (term ended 1/26/23)
    Support Organization Representative
  • Bethel Demar (term ended 9/20/22)
    At-Large Representative
  • Cory Demar (term ended 1/26/23)
    At-Large Representative
  • Joseph Herrity
    At-Large Representative
  • Anna Liza Navarro
    Business Organization Representative

  • The following members were appointed by the Board of Trustees on February 13, 2024, and are active during the 2023-2024 fiscal year:

  • Paul Nguyen
    At-Large Representative
  • Robert Nunez
    Support Organization Representative
  • Sammuel Washington
    Senior Citizens’ Organization Representative

Committee Meetings

The committee meets on a quarterly basis, with meetings open to the public. For a listing of meetings and proceedings please visit the committee meeting page.

Measure X Bond Overview

as of June 30, 2023
Expenditures vs Remaining Funds

Location / Category Total Budget Expenditures To Date Budget Remaining
San José City College $326,259,077 $114,233,415 $212,025,662
Evergreen Valley College $315,730,282 $200,670,256 $115,060,026
District and District-wide $118,890,077 $25,277,379 $93,612,698
Program Contingency $1,550,000 $0 $1,550,000
Unallocated Interest Earned $2,105,995 $0 $2,105,995
Total: $764,535,431 $340,181,049 $424,354,381
Rounding factors may apply. Total budget includes interest earnings posted through June 30, 2023.
To repair/upgrade classrooms to prepare students/veterans for jobs/university transfer by repairing/building nursing, engineering, vocational, technology, science, job training classrooms, improving campus, earthquake safety/disabled access, remove asbestos/ lead paint, acquiring, constructing, repairing sites, facilities/equipment, shall San José-Evergreen Community College District issue $748,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, no money for administrators’ salaries/pensions, requiring citizen oversight, independent audits, all funds used locally?

Measure X passed in November 2016 with a 64.82% approval by the voters of greater San José and Milpitas.
California Proposition 39, California Education Code Section 15278, and the Section 1(b)(3) of Article XIII A of the California Constitution requires annual performance and financial audits on use of general obligation bond proceeds. The performance and financial audits for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 were performed by an independent certified public accounting firm in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and governmental auditing standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. The audits indicate that, in all significant respects, the District expended the general obligation bond proceeds for the year ended June 30, 2023 in accordance with the requirements of Proposition 39.
View the complete independent accountants' Audit Reports

Measure G-2010 Bond Overview

as of June 30, 2023
Expenditures vs Remaining Funds

Location / Category Total Budget Expenditures To Date Budget Remaining
San José City College $88,173,756 $77,236,670 $10,937,086
Evergreen Valley College $157,018,719 $146,081,637 $10,937,082
District and District-wide $28,020,829 $28,033,365 *($12,536)
Total: $273,213,304 $251,351,672 $21,861,633
Rounding factors may apply. Total budget includes interest earnings posted through June 30, 2023.
*County investment fees. Earnings will be reported against investment fees once investments mature.
To better prepare San José City College / Evergreen Valley College students for good paying jobs and transfer to four-year colleges, shall San José Evergreen Community College District:
  • Upgrade, acquire, construct energy-efficient, technology driven teaching classrooms, labs, sites, facilities/equipment for health/science, general education/job-training,
  • Upgrade outdated electrical, plumbing, heating/ventilation systems
by issuing $268 million in bonds at legal rates, qualifying for matching funds, with citizen oversight, no money for administrator salaries, all funds staying local?

Measure G-2010 passed in November 2010 with a 58.81% approval by the voters of greater San José and Milpitas.
California Proposition 39, California Education Code Section 15278, and the Section 1(b)(3) of Article XIII A of the California Constitution requires annual performance and financial audits on use of general obligation bond proceeds. The performance and financial audits for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 were performed by an independent certified public accounting firm in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and governmental auditing standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. The audits indicate that, in all significant respects, the District expended the general obligation bond proceeds for the year ended June 30, 2023 in accordance with the requirements of Proposition 39.
View the complete independent accountants' Audit Reports

Featured Projects

Project activity over the past fiscal year

Career Education Complex

  • San José City College

  • Measure X Budget: $190,136,874

  • Measure G-2010 Budget: $403,768

  • Est. Completion date: September 2025

Project description:
New construction of a Career Education building that will meet LEED Platinum requirements, the renovation of Building 200, and associated site work required to join the two facilities into one complex. The complex will house classrooms, labs, instructional support spaces, a lecture hall, offices, and shared spaces to support student life. Project will include the demolition of CT 101 in order to increase safety and security on campus, and connecting five buildings, including the new Career Education Complex, to the 12kV power system on campus.

New Maintenance and Operations Building and Emergency Operations Center

  • San José City College

  • Measure X Budget: $21,336,124

  • Measure G-2010 Budget: $1,277,689

  • Completion date: May 2023

Project description:
The new San José City College Maintenance & Operations Building serves as the permanent home for both the maintenance and operations departments of the College. The building consists of maintenance shops, grounds maintenance equipment and material storage, custodial supply storage as well as an Emergency Operations Center, to be used in response to campus critical events.

Student Services Center

  • Evergreen Valley College

  • Measure X Budget: $104,260,105

  • Est. Completion date: September 2024

Project description:
The Student Services Complex is a two-building complex on the North West part of the EVC campus. Totaling approximately 74,000 square feet of finished space and 20,000 square feet exterior finish, the new student services complex buildings will consolidate various student services functions currently scattered across campus into one three-story building. They will house student services, campus organizations, admissions and records.

General Education Building

  • Evergreen Valley College

  • Measure X Budget: $53,857,686

  • Est. Completion date: September 2024

Project description:
The General Education building supports the growth indicated by the Educational Master Plan and will provide a new three-story building near the MS3 building adding approximately 20 new classrooms, including multi-purpose, flexible instructional space to support a variety of disciplines.

San José City College
Measures X and G-2010 Bond Project List

as of June 30, 2023
Project Name Budget Expenditures to Date Budget Remaining
San José City College
Board Approved
Group II Equipment $6,416,893 $5,777,278 $639,615
Child Development Center $14,954,447 $64,667 $14,889,781
Student Center Improvements $3,362,591 $257,162 $3,105,429
Jaguar Multicultural Center $16,586,011 $136,092 $16,449,919
SJCC Vehicles $102,670 $28,657 $74,013
Small Capital Repairs - Facilities Upgrades - SJCC $5,468,543 $0 $5,468,543
IT Infrastructure Improvements $5,727,518$4,193,989$1,533,529
Technology Upgrades $5,370,623$4,525,202$845,421
IT and Tech Equipment - SJCC $5,468,543 $0$5,468,543
ADA Improvements $4,752,023$43,674$4,708,350
Men's Locker Room Demolition $3,107,039$99,855$3,007,184
Demolition of Old Boiler Equipment $161,018$22,450$138,568
Career Education Complex $190,540,642$58,364,911$132,175,731
SJCC Elevator Modernization $6,151,739$1,427,605$4,724,133
Central Plant Boilers $1,009,971 $327,176 $682,795
Small Capital Repairs $7,792,949$5,908,665$1,884,284
Access Control, Intrusion Alarms, and Monitoring Systems $1,821,525 $1,489,912 $331,614
Demolition and Site Preparations for New CTE $3,738,223$3,737,839$384
New Maintenance and Operations Building and Emergency Operations Center $22,613,813$20,294,835$2,318,978
Theater Improvements $9,203,096$6,265,977$2,937,120
New Swing Space Project $576,060 $0$576,060
Science Building Mechanical Upgrade $2,094,548$2,093,682$865
Stadium Renovation $8,991,421$8,353,619$637,802
Central Plant Rehabilitation $3,787,238$3,021,370$765,869
Restroom Fixtures & Plumbing Upgrades $4,109,020$4,098,469$10,551
Career Technical Education (CTE): Renovation of 100/200 buildings $11,666,035$11,666,035$0
Repurpose Boiler Plant $589,305$589,305$0
Utility Extensions and Emergency Generator $5,718,806$5,718,806$0
Campus Site Improvements $1,137,429$1,137,429$0
Photo Lab Relocation $750,984$750,984$0
New Gym Sitework and Auxiliary Buildings $14,198,448$14,198,448$0
Iron Workers Training Center $1,540,891$1,540,891$0
GE HVAC Upgrade and Campus HVAC Controls Extension $936,952$936,952$0
Parking Lot and Walkway Improvements $640,874$640,874$0
San Jose-Evergreen Community College Extension $1,557,757$1,557,757$0
Storm Water Management Remediation $946,257$946,257$0
Library Interior Upgrades $1,199,848$1,199,848$0
Campus-wide Painting- SJCC $1,556,334$1,556,334$0
Entrance Door Replacement $415,594$415,594$0
Student Services Resource and Drop-in Center $1,221,021$1,221,021$0
Admissions and Records $54,115$54,115$0
Site Utility and Topography $268,930$268,930$0
Telecomm/Utility Master Plan $275,409$275,409$0
Softball Field Renovation $1,058,840$1,058,840$0
Campus HVAC Phase II $135,610$135,610$0
Campus Water System mapping and consolidation $396,145$396,145$0
Physical Security $646,381$646,381$0
San Jose Evergreen Community College Extension - Irrigation $1,029,501$1,029,501$0
Parking Lot and Street Repairs - Phase II $1,082,584$1,082,584$0
Parking Lot and Street Repairs $260,221$260,221$0
Access Control $922,128$922,128$0
Relocate Adaptive PE $528,704$528,704$0
Roofing Repairs $908,700$908,700$0
Utilities PH III $312,268$312,268$0
Wayfinding, Signage and Site Fencing $2,038,064$2,038,064$0
ADA Transition Plan: Accessibility Survey & Improvements $1,526$1,526$0
Audio Visual Systems Improvements $445,515$445,515$0
Building Interior Finishes $299,420$299,420$0
Campus HVAC Equipment & Controls $990,195$990,195$0
CTE Improvements $68,911$68,911$0
GE Building Interior Finishes $1,811,737$1,811,737$0
Physical Security PH II $2,931,081$2,931,081$0
AV Improvements Phase II $211,806$211,806$0
Interior Finishes Upgrades $103,441$103,441$0
Consolidated / Cancelled / Deferred
100-200-Boiler Plant Demo and New Parking Lot $0$0$0
Exterior Lighting Phase II $0$0$0
Vocational Technology Bldg $0$0$0
Landscaping $0$0$0
Irrigation $0$0$0
Hardscape $0$0$0
Wayfinding $0$0$0
Campus Lighting Upgrades $18,700$18,700$0
SJCC CEQA Compliance Consulting Services $0$0$0
Energy Efficiency- Photovoltaic $0$0$0
Campus Generator Project $0$0$0
Site Fencing & Marquee Signage $0$0$0
Renovate Building K $0$0$0
Renovate- General Education Building $0$0$0
Vehicular Circulation Entrances $29,227$29,227$0
Theater Demo and New Parking Lot $0$0$0
Property Acquisition $31,307$31,307$0
Technology Building Renovation $0$0$0
Kingman Intersection Off-Site and On-Site Improvements $0$0$0
Cosmetology, Esthetics, & Reprographics $0$0$0
Exterior Lighting Upgrades & Repairs $0$0$0
Campus Contingency - San José City $15,934,046$0$15,934,046
SJCC - Future Projects $3,653,622$0$3,653,622
San José City College Total: $414,432,832$191,470,085$222,962,748

Evergreen Valley College
Measures X and G-2010 Bond Project List

as of June 30, 2023
Project Name Budget Expenditures to Date Budget Remaining
Evergreen Valley College
Board Approved
EVC Vehicles $200,572 $200,572 $0
Campus-wide Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment $148,514 $148,514 $0
Small Capital Repairs - Facilities Upgrades - EVC $3,937,082 $0 $3,937,082
Group II Equipment $1,667,070 $1,524,930 $142,140
IT Infrastructure Improvements $10,991,995 $8,241,966 $2,750,029
Technology Upgrades $2,355,798 $2,315,742 $40,056
IT and Tech Equipment - EVC $6,675,000 $0$6,675,000
Student Activities Center $677,078$199,666$477,412
EVC Central Plant Upgrade $250,555$44,050$206,506
Student Services Center $104,260,105$60,065,632$44,194,473
Language Arts Building $50,485,811$45,797,491$4,688,320
Sequoia Upgrades / Nursing Addition $38,503,943 $15,226,880 $23,277,064
General Education Building $53,857,686$26,401,905$27,455,781
Entry Road and New Parking Lot 4/5 $9,385,453 $8,611,060 $774,393
Campus-wide Signage $1,534,188 $583,642 $950,546
Small Capital Repairs $16,704,223 $16,487,602 $216,621
Physical Education and Sports Complex $6,535,604$6,531,668$3,935
Cedro Renovation and West Campus ADA Upgrades $10,186,941$10,184,613$2,328
Campus Way Finding / Ground Lighting $3,173,305$2,722,328$450,977
North Fire Lane / ADA $8,004,005 $7,949,676$54,329
Mathematics, Sciences, Social Sciences Canopy $813,803$649,679$164,125
South Campus Development $45,703,845$45,703,845$0
Admin and Student Services Remodel and Consolidation $153,733$153,733$0
Roble Demolition - Acacia Alterations $6,699,838$6,699,838$0
Automotive Technology $17,745,588$17,745,588$0
Campus Site Improvements $4,201,371$4,201,371$0
Central Green $3,022,340$3,022,340$0
Signage and Wayfinding $1,616,483$1,616,483$0
San Felipe Digital Message Sign $842,465$842,465$0
Acacia Renovation Phase III $1,324,452$1,324,452$0
Gullo Student Space Repurpose and Renovation $2,080,270$2,080,270$0
Physical Education Accessibility Improvements $2,702,457$2,702,457$0
Montgomery Hall Interior Updating $336,380$336,380$0
PE ADA Improvements - Pathways / Fieldhouse $2,215,580$2,215,580$0
EVC: Campus Painting Project $3,801,752$3,801,752$0
Gullo 2nd Floor - Student Services Center Renovation $2,974,968$2,974,968$0
MS3 Exterior Stair Lighting $162,344$162,344$0
Campus Environmental Control $613,027$613,027$0
Gullo II Multipurpose Remodel $2,364,513$2,364,513$0
Security Hardware $469,753$469,753$0
Campus-wide Building Signage $615,151$615,151$0
Central Plant and Police Renovation $15,001,807$15,001,807$0
Utilities Projects and Upgrades $961,997$961,997$0
Energy Efficiency - Photovoltaic $10,841,425$10,841,425$0
Campus Water Service Replacement Project $814,505$814,505$0
Parking Lot and Street Repairs $1,155,278$1,155,278$0
Physical Security $637,431$637,431$0
Parking Lot Remediation- Phase II $3,344,063$3,344,063$0
Pavement Preservation / Roadway and Curb Marking $60,999$60,999$0
EVC Utility Updating and Mapping $152,584$152,584$0
Relocate EVC's Telephone MPOE to Central Utility Building $172,809$172,809$0
Consolidated / Cancelled / Deferred
GED4 $0$0$0
Hardscape- Circulation and Plazas $0$0$0
Landscaping $0$0$0
Irrigation $0$0$0
ADA Improvements $0$0$0
Admissions and Records Remodel to Emergency Ops. Center $549$549$0
West Campus ADA Upgrades $0$0$0
Cesar Chavez Grove $0$0$0
EVC CEQA Compliance Consulting Services $0$0$0
Exterior Lighting Upgrade Phase II $0$0$0
Vehicular Circulation $0$0$0
New Campus Police Building $0$0$0
Engineering and Applied Technology $74,520$74,520$0
Campus-wide Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan $0$0$0
Repurpose Gullo II $0$0$0
Campus Contingency - Evergreen $9,535,993$0$9,535,993
EVC - Future Projects $0$0$0
Evergreen Valley College Total: $472,749,001$346,751,893$125,997,108

District / District-wide
Measures X and G-2010 Bond Project List

as of June 30, 2023
Project Name Budget Expenditures to Date Budget Remaining
District / District-Wide
Board Approved
District Services Furniture & Equipment $1,117,504 $1,103,773 $13,732
Vehicle Replacement $2,548,324 $1,740,961 $807,363
Ground Lease Debt Relief (15+ years) $8,217,722 $2,116,545 $6,101,176
East San José Expansion $5,000,000 $1,350 $4,998,650
Student Housing Complex at EVC $15,000,000 $0 $15,000,000
Technology and Security $20,203,606 $6,802,458 $13,401,148
District Services Printing & Digital Imaging $757,987 $574,429$183,557
District Services Computer Replacement $494,447 $488,176$6,271
District Services Network Storage/Servers $750,000 $8,953$741,047
District Services Network Monitoring Appliances $50,000 $0 $50,000
Data Center Acquisition & Implementation $2,439,874 $2,039,244$400,630
District Warehouse and Operations Facility $22,501,826$400,673$22,101,153
New District Services Building $18,555,769$17,426,200$1,129,568
District-wide Security - Key System Upgrades $583,029$329,949$253,079
District-wide Physical Security Systems $11,288,552 $1,076,143 $10,212,409
ADA Transition Plan Assessment $667,744$402,239$265,505
District Office Elevators Safety and Accessibility Upgrades $1,918,216$1,733,381$184,834
District-wide Building Management System $624,580$620,705$3,875
Energy Efficiency - Clean Energy $511,340$511,340$0
Demolition of San Felipe District Office and South Bay Academy $1,846,625$1,846,625$0
MDF Relocation $1,923,380$1,923,380$0
Controls Extension Project (Energy Conservation) $318,022$318,022$0
Police Safety Communication Upgrade $623,139$623,139$0
Enterprise Resource Planning Conversion $4,800,532$4,800,532$0
Infrastructure Upgrade $3,819,982$3,819,982$0
Consolidated / Cancelled / Deferred
District-wide Elevator Assessment $0$0$0
Group II Equipment - Includes safety and security $0$0$0
Security Systems Assessment & Design Consulting Services $24,533$0$24,533
Telecommunications Consolidation Antennas $0$0$0
District and District-wide Contingency $4,841,017$0$4,841,017
Management and Related Costs $6,308,773$201,807$6,106,966
Election/Legal/EIR/DO Labor and Related $9,174,385$2,400,735$6,773,650
District / District-Wide College Total: $146,910,906$53,310,743$93,600,163